

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Growth spurt

I have never succeeded in starting tomatos from seed then transplanting and surviving early spring.

This year, I decided to try again.

I told Farmer Trav well in advance that the tomatos may die, and we may have to purchase local plants instead.

The tomatos sprouted well enough indoors. The transplant went off without a hitch.

Then it rained. First for ten days, then for a week. Following the flood  were some of the hottest temperatures on record for May. I figured our little seedling were done for. Because of all the rain, I wasn't able to venture out and check our progress as often as I thought.

Finally, the rain stopped, the heat abated, and I ventured to the garden. There I found some of the healthiest tomato plants I have ever laid eyes on.

SoI guess I really juust needed Mother Nature to kick me out of the garden for a bit so she could do her thing!

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