

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Free Range?

After a long day at work, we scrambled into our work clothes and out to the farm. We had a thunderstorm overnight and were anxious to check on the sheep and make sure all was well.

Before leaving the farm the previous day, we had herded the sheep out of a nearby field and into the enclosure they had been penned in before. The enclosure is relatively flimsy, and Farmer Travis had blocked a large hole in the chicken wire so nothing could get in. The chicken coop offers limited shelter to the sheep from the weather, so we thought we would keep them safe there until we could expand the fencing. The previous tenants had not bothered to pen the sheep, instead calling them "Free Range" The thought of our sheep running amok in the woods without us around didn't sit well with me, so in the pen they went.

So we thought.

The headlights of the truck lit up the enclosure as we pulled up. No sheep.

We hopped out of the truck and into the pen, searching for a hole in the fence. No hole, and the gate had been closed. No way could the sheep have jumped over a 4 foot high fence. I walked further back in the pen to find that almost the entire back wall of the pen is down, and had been for some time. The sheep had literally just walked out of the back of the pen! We had been outsmarted by the dumbest farm animals on the planet.

So anyone interested in coming and rounding up sheep tonight, just give us a holler.

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