

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hoop Hoop Hooray

Our sheep have a new shelter! Farmer Travis spent about 2 hours constructing a "Hoop House" for our lovely ladies.

Not that they deserve it.

Overnight, the sheep butted their way into the sunroom, pooping all over the place and eating all of the cat food. They must have known their fuzzy butts were in trouble, because they high tailed it down into the lowest pasture, past the spooky abandoned barn and waited.

I walked all the way down, through briars and bristles, talking calm and level, not raising my voice or using any of my favorite bad words. Until the little turds took off again! Off they sprinted (yes, sheep can sprint) up on to the porch of the spooky abandoned house next to ours. Through the windows, you can see decaying Christmas deorations and old coffee mugs. Like I said, super spooky.

I marched back up to our garage for corn to temp the ladies, and then all the way back down to creepy abandonded house of scariness. The sheep all stood on the porch, taunting me with their eyes, knowing they had outsmarted me again.
No more misses nice farmer. I spooked the little turds right back up the road. They sprinted again, all the way up the lane. I hollered to Farmer Travis to check out our amazing sprinting sheep, because who would have thought they sprint (I am finding out everyone knows this but me).

So the wandering ladies are home and safe in their lovely hoop house. Hopefully, when we return, they won't have eaten the tarp on caused anymore heart stopping moments of finding the doors open.

Fingers and hooves crossed.

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