

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Adventure in Faith

This is NOT mine, but borrowed from an article online, and I could not help but share it!

Marriage is an Adventure in Faith
A quiet leap you will take
every day for the rest
of your lives

It is time now
to truly trust each other.
Not just with what is highest
and best in you
but with your

Trust each other with your shadows
And be patient with them.
And let That trust be the bridge that
reaches across moments of
Don’t strand yourself
on separate shores
for long.

Cross that bridge
before sleeping.
Empty your pillows of pride
You will sleep better and besides –
There is a bigger point then the one
You are trying to make when you
are trying to prove you are
right — or wronged.
Remember what Rumi said:

Love too is a furnace
And ego, its fuel.
Make that furnace burn bright.
Gratitude speaks its own
secret language of
What you truly acknowledge
Truly is yours.

Invite your heart to be grateful
and your thank yous will be heard
even when you don’t use words.

Cherish both closeness and distance
The gaps are a gift,
they give you
both room to grow
and room to dance in.

Celebrate your differences.

Look up at the sky
at that constantly
changing blue
Both constant
and changing.
No different
from you.
Only once in all time
Will there be two
people like you
Two journeys joined
In exactly this way
An irrepeatable connection
real and unrehearsed
What will you choose to do
With the miracle of that truth?

May it be your gateway
(Not your boundary)
May it be your doorway
To meeting the world
inside and out with
more and more

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